Birdwatching expeditions and nature photography in Corrientes Province, Argentina

Based at the small town of Mercedes with accommodation in Casa de Piedra

Field trip can be arranged according to the birding expectations and "wanted" list.

La Paz Ranch (half an hour from Merdedes)
A 5,000-acre cattle-raising estancia up-holding the traditions of the province of Corrientes, with Ñandubay savanna and Gallery Forest following creeks.

Yelow Cardinal - Chaco Chachalaca - Black-crowned Monjita - Cream-backed Woodpecker - Upland Sandpiper - Short-billed Canastero
Complete list of the birds of La Paz.

Chavarría (An hour from Mercedes)
Plain grasslands (correntino "campo"), with palm-tree forest and small ponds.

Black-and-white Monjita - Grey Monjita - Aplomado Falcon - Bearded Tachuri - Lesser Grass Finch - Seedeaters

Esteros del Ibera (Ibera Marshes)
Enormous plain of wetlands with lagoons and Subropical Forest patches.

Black-capped Donacobius - Crowned Eagle - Marsh Seedeater - Strange-tailed Tyrant - Chesnut Seedeater

Check with us for other destinations (Mburucuyá National Park, Paraná or Uruguay River or others).

Some other pictures in our zone.